Before you pack your bags, here's a rundown of things you need to know to get the most out of your Global Produce & Floral Show experience. Please review the on-site exhibitor guide as well as these exhibitor tips prior to traveling to Anaheim.
Redeem Credits and Register Badges BEFORE you arrive onsite:
The online registration system will stay open through the close of the show. We’ll have multiple badge pick-up locations onsite, but badges must be registered on an electronic device prior to arriving at the desk.
Things to note:
- If you requested that your booth personnel badges be mailed, they were shipped via FedEx Ground on September 26. Don’t forget to pack your badge—replacements cost $100.
- Badge Pick-Up will open on Wednesday with desks in the Marriott and Hilton lobbies, the Anaheim Convention Center's box offices and Hall E. Exhibitors arriving Tuesday can visit Box Office A/B.
- Printed badges may NOT be returned/exchanged for credits.
- Exhibitors may still take advantage of the $395 All Access Pass Upgrade by using the online system to purchase the upgrade
- (2) Welcome Reception tickets come with each booth space and will be given to the primary booth contact (in mailing or on-site).
- Names on mailed badges may only be changed once. Badges printed on-site may not be changed.
Need Show Floor Access on Monday?
Contractors and exhibitors can pick up a wristband at the Exhibitor Appointed Contractor Desk located in Lobby B.
Please note: All EACs (Exhibitor Appointed Contractor) must be registered in order to have access to the show floor. Each EAC (Exhibitor Appointed Contractor) employee must visit an EAC Desk, located in Lobby B or dockside at Carpark 4, and present the EAC's unique code (provided via email) to receive a move-in/move-out wrist band. Wrist Bands must be picked up individually, not by the company.
Exhibitor parking fee will be the prevailing daily rate and will include unlimited in and out privileges through the West Street entrance ONLY. Parking and re-entry is provided on a space-as-available basis. Exhibitors must present their daily paid parking receipt AND their exhibitor badge to the parking cashier in order to be granted re-entry.
Please contact the Anaheim Convention Center (ACC) at 714.765.8950 for the current daily parking rate.
Note that vehicles more than 20 feet in length will be charged twice the daily rate per entry and must be parked in designated spaces. Total length of vehicle cannot exceed 40 feet. View a map and directions.
If you need to park a large truck, please contact the area hotels or the marshalling yard to see if they have parking available.
Marshalling Yard
All materials, even those arriving in a personally owned vehicle, must check in at the Marshalling Yard (1898 S Douglass Rd Truck Marshaling & Cartload Staging Lot Anaheim, CA) before being dispatched to the convention center. All carriers must have certified weight tickets. The Marshalling Yard is open October 15-20 from 7:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., October 21 from 7:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Please give a copy of this Marshalling Yard information to your carrier.
During show move-out, carriers must also check in at Marshalling Yard. For the show close, the Marshalling Yard is open October 21 from 2:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m., October 22-23 from 6:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., October 24 from 6:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. View more information on move-out process and tips.
Getting Perishable Product to Your Booth
GES will send primary and secondary booth contacts an email once your perishable product shipment arrives in the marshalling yard. If you want to add someone to that notification, submit this form.
- Use the color-coded daily labels to have product delivered to your booth daily
- Product will be delivered to your booth during the following times according to the color-coded labels provided to you in the Material Handling section:
- Thursday, between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.
- Friday & Saturday, between 6:00 a.m. and 8:00 a.m.
- Be sure to have staff in your booth before 8 a.m. to tag any product you do not wish to keep (removal starts at 8:00 a.m.)
Learn more about perishable shipping and delivery.
Exhibitor Schedule
The clean floor policy goes into effect Wednesday, October 18.
- Booths that are 400 sq. ft. or larger need to be finished with major exhibitor construction with empties tagged by 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday. Thursday will be for product merchandising.
- If you can't start setting up until after 2 p.m. on Thursday, please let us know so we don't mark you as a no-show.
Setting up late? Contact Show Management immediately so IFPA does not re-assign your booth.
Tear down begins at 5:00 p.m. on Saturday. Early tear down is NOT permitted.
- GES will start delivering crates based on the new Target Move-Out Schedule.
- Need to catch a flight? Schedule GES to tear down your booth after the show closes.
- Read these Move Out Tips to save time and money.
- The delivery of empties can take all night—up to 10 hours—so we encourage everyone to go socialize and come back the next day. Saturday night, relax in the exhibitor lounge while you wait for your crates. The lounge will be open from 5:30 PM to 10 PM in the outdoor courtyard between halls A & B.
Reach Your Target Audience
- Take advantage of connecting with your buyers before and during the show. You can now see the floor segment(s) each buyer indicated they are coming to see or purchase from right on the attendees list. Review the attendee list and make connections in advance or on-site.
- ONLY buyers will have a color on their badge. This will make it easier for you to identify the buyers you are looking for.
- View tips on how to connect with press and media
- Remember your exhibitor portal has your company information and the ability to upload up to 20 pieces of collateral to the digital press room, which will be promoted to attending media.
- Take part in conversations on and off the show floor by using #GPFS2023 in your social posts.
Food and Other Donations
We are partnering with Second Harvest Food Bank and their network of local member food banks to accept food donations. In the past IFPA exhibitors donated over 250,000 pounds of produce to regional food banks. Food bank stickers will be available at the GES Servicenter in room AR1 so you can label product you would like to have donated.
If you have other items you would like to donate instead of incurring the cost to ship them home (such as furniture, signage, banners, etc.), please label them with the same food bank labels and GES will take care of these also.
Rules and Regulations
- Exhibitors may not solicit business or intercept attendees for advertising purposes or product sampling outside their rented booth space, in the convention center lobby or outside the convention center.
- Children under 18 years of age are not permitted on the show floor during set-up or dismantling. However, complimentary badges are available for children under 18 years during show hours. The child must be present when badge is issued.
- California is a "union jurisdiction" state. Unions claim jurisdiction over all set-up and dismantling of exhibits including signs and carpet installation. If your exhibit preparation, installation, or dismantling requires more than one-half (1/2) hour, you must use union personnel supplied by the Official Service Contractor, GES. Visit the Exhibitor Setup page for more information.
Best of Show Contest
Review the Best of Show judging criteria and tips from the judges to ensure you are prepared.
This year's Best of Show Contest is sponsored by The Produce News. All exhibitors are automatically entered in the contest.
- Best of Show: In-line Booth (10 feet deep and any length) awarded in each of the four marketplaces
- Best of Show: Island Booth (20 x 20 or larger, aisles on 4 sides) awarded in each of the four marketplaces
- Best First-Time Exhibitor
Fresh Ideas Showcase Participants:
- Best Product Promo (automatically entered)
- Best Sustainable Packaging (must enter to be part of contest)
2024 Booth Selection
- The 2024 booth application will open on February 7, 2024
- 2023 exhibitors must apply by February 23 to be included in the early assignment process.
- Applicants will have until April 5 to increase, downsize, or cancel the booth. No refunds will be granted after April 5.
- Payment is due in full by April 5, prior to your booth assignment. We will not assign booths without the full payment.
- All paid applicants will be assigned in priority point order from April 10 to May 15 via Zoom. Appointment times will be emailed on March 13.
- Non-returning exhibitors, and anyone who paid/applied after the deadlines will be assigned in order of payment once early assignments are completed.
Find Time to Network
The most important part of GPFS is the chance to network with peers and potential customers at the various Global Show events. See the full program here or download the mobile app.

Nancy Pickersgill
Logistical Questions?
Visit room 119 in the ACC